Kumbh Rashi Name Starting Letter For Baby Boy And Kundli Matching For Kanya And Kark Rashi Name

Online Mithun Rashi Name Starting Letter For Girl

Makar Rashi Name Boy 2021 In Hindi

Kumbh Rashi Name Starting Letter For Baby Boy And Kundli Matching For Kanya And Kark Rashi Name

Online Mithun Rashi Name Starting Letter For Girl

Baby Name Suggestion

Astrological Name Suggestions by Date of Birth

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  • 30
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Every parent is given the guidance by Astrology and Numerology to choose auspicious names for their child as per their Date Of Birth. Birth star or Janma Nakshatra is considered as very important and forms the groundwork for numerous decisions taken all through the life of the child from selection of his/her name to selection of his/ her life partner and many other important events in life. It controls the life cycle of a person and also their personality. The first letter of the child’s name is chosen in accordance to his/her birth star in order to help the child succeed in life. Enter the below details to find suitable names for your child by birth star and rashi based on their Date Of Birth.

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